Thursday, March 26, 2009

To go to alaska or not....

Well I'm a little unsure at the moment where my summer will take me now.
I got a phone call today about a job in the next town over I had applied to, before the Alaska job.
It would be working at the State Park, which would be a lot of fun, its 11 miles away so I could bike there, and live at home (which means free food). I would also be making at least 400 more a month than living and working in Alaska. With my 1,000 a month student loan payments, that money is going to be needed. Badly.

But. Its Alaska. I've always dreamed of working there. I don't know, I guess I should see if I even get offered the job here, I mean I may be getting ahead of myself, they only asked me to come and interview.

I took my dogs up to the park today, since I had never been there, and thought it best when I interview to be able to say I had at least walked one of the trails once. We had a good hike, I think we only did like 3 or so miles, so it really wasn't much, but it with it getting dark I felt best to turn around. The park is really nice, not as nice as the actual wilderness, but still really beautiful.

I'm going down to Milwaukee this weekend, its the Team Pegasus party, so I'll get a chance to see some friends and see what they have to say about this situation.

Till next time..

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