Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Start of the Journey

...they are never really that easy are they? Problems always will arise.

Well my adventure has yet to start, and already there are stomach aches (I'm sure there will be more once flying is included in the mix) and scared thoughts.

Currently the aches and pains are caused by the fact that my adventure might not even be happening anymore. It all comes down to the fact that the medical department apparently forgot about me. I'm really not positive how that happens but it seems to in this case.

Let me elaborate. I had a deadline to get all of my medical paperwork in by September 2nd. I thought at that time I had accomplished this goal. The Thursday before the deadline I got an e-mail telling me that I was missing three things from the packet, and couldn't be PQ'd to travel until everything was in. Two things were asked of me to be submitted and I was told the third, blood work would be ordered to be added to the tests already to be done on the blood samples I submitted. I submitted what I was told to, my doctors office gave me a form from 05, on a test that is done each year, telling me that was the only report they had of it, and were only able to give me a piece of paper saying I had had the test done this year and it was negative. The other form was just information so that was fine. I called the woman that had told me I was missing these forms, and told her the 05/form situation, she didn't answer of course, left a message telling her what was going on and if there were any problems to call me or e-mail me. I never heard back from her.

Fastforward to today. I get a call telling me, even though I was supposed to leave on sunday, I can't go untill I'm PQ'd. What??? I call, I apparently needed to go get the blood work done myself, since It wasn't able to be put in on the labs previously, and that form just wouldn't work. Thank you for letting me know, you know three weeks ago.

So here I am now. Worried, nervous, scared. I got the blood drawn today, labs should have been faxed in the minute they were done this afternoon, and apparently the most recent report was there in my file and was faxed in as well. I'm calling first thing in the morning and crossing every part of my body that will cross. I don't know what I would do if I wasn't able to go anymore.

In better news, I went to Milwaukee yesterday as my official, official goodbye. It was wonderful. I held thee most adorable baby, visited the wonderful people of miad, and most importantly saw some of the best friends I have ever had. Danced my ass off with Sarah Jane, Hillary, and Josh along with Cody and Matt, and many many others at the Ratatat show. I literally was dancing from around 7 to 11:30, hell we made a dance beat out of the fire alarms going off and danced our way out of Turner Hall. I had dripping sweat-soaked hugs and kisses, with people I never want to let go of. Drove home with a red moon to my right, leading my way back to Manitowoc, me screaming lyrics to my current favorite songs at the top of my lungs.

All in all an amazing night. My feet are killing me today, I keep losing my voice from singing so much. This is the night I will think back on when (yes when I need to give myself a confidence boost) I am alone and lonely missing everyone down in Antarctica.

So as my first official post in my first official blog, hello, welcome, and hope you brought a sweater to the computer with you, soon its going to be getting mighty chilly in here.

Antarctica here we come!

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