Much to my joy I got to meet two of my future co-workers, another really nice guy, and my two favorite people at the moment Shuttle Joe and Shuttle Bob. Shuttle Joe & Bob had both been to Antarctica last year, so it was so facinating getting to talk to them about what to expect and what life might really be like down at the bottom of the world. Then, much to my dismay, I findout I'm the only one of this group staying at a different hotel, and it would end up turning out to be that there are only three other people out of like 30-40 that were at orientation today at my hotel. Its kind of lonely, but I supose I should savor it, since soon I won't have a moment to myself.
(quite possibly the biggest sunflower ever seen)
Last night was so wonderful though, Joe that I went to school with and currently lives right outside of Denver, and his friend Jess came and swept me away from my lonely hotel and off to the heart of Downtown Denver. We wandered the streets, ate a burrito (it gave me a tummy ache though...probably the butterflies fault), and just talked and joked and laughed. It was so great seeing him, and meeting his friend. They are both quite wonderful.
(num num)
(giant croc anyone?)
Then, up earlier than I would like to think about yet again, ate a quick breakfast and off to Raytheon for orientation and flu shots. Everyone, and I mean everyone is so nice. I think that was the most surprising thing, I mean, I'm used to people being friendly, but I already feel a bond with some of these people which feels fantastic. I met 7 of my other co-workers in the kitchen and I adore almost all of them already. I even already challenged the cute bearded boy to a thumbwar on our way to Sydney.
Well its now time to relax, hydrate, and settle in for a quite night, then, up early again (ugh) and after orientation off to LAX then SYD then off to CHC.
Oh man, interesting news on the Christchurch front. Apparently the weather has been bad at McMurdo, so much so that they are 7 days behind in getting people to and from the ice, which means we may get some extra time in New Zealand once we arrive. Fun!
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