Monday, October 13, 2008

It was a quick walk, but my nose got cold.

Well yesterday counted as day three of work and day three and a half of being here. I really only know that by the fact that I had to wash three of my uniforms last night. Its so strange to really have no sense of time or date here. I guess its hard to when the sun never leaves, though, it is still setting right now, slightly, the last being on the 21st I believe.

I am still so in a slight shock that I'm actually here. I don't really think its hit any of us just yet that we are where we are. Going out for a slight hike yesterday did help a ton though. wow.
Well anyways, yesterday was one of the easier, though, more accident prone days I've had here thus far. We had to be at work slightly earlier than normal (8a.m. instead of 11), and did some food safe lectures, then I learned the pots room (easy enough: you wash pots--this is where injury number one occured though...two cuts on the tops of my fingers...ouch!), more serve safe, the dish room (best job), then washed some walls, had an impromptu Micheal Jackson dance party outside of the dish room, and got to leave super early at 4:15 (after our stretch break of course). So far the job is going pretty good, well except for the gross rash like skin condition jess and I are developing on the tops of our hands from having to wash them so often. eww.
Afterward Jess and I were eating our dinner at the family dinner, and our friend Shaun asked if we wanted to go for a small hike with him. Of course we said yes, especially since I hadn't seen much of the outside of the station thus far.

Off we went, Big Reds, wind pants, and of course the addidas sneakers and multiple cameras started out of the station and off to Hut Point. Hut Point is a hut that Scott actually built back in 1902, and is a 15 minute walk or so from our station. There's also a Cross atop the hill marking the grave of one of his men, George T. Vince. Its pretty awesome that we live so close to such
huge landmarks in history.

After getting cold and heading back Jess and I also ran out and disovered the Crafts room, The Bouldering room, the church, and the Ceramics room. Good adventures for the day indeed.

Next adventure: Seeing the Shackelton Cup (its a challus but i have no idea how to actually spell that...)


Snacks said...

It's chalice (When I was a kid, I made rhyming poems about everybody in my class. Guess who that one was about?). And awesome! It pretty much sounds like camp, with some labor thrown in there. Do you have to be careful that your camera doesn't break, going from warm to very cold?

Anna said...

so amazing it looks beautiful. you almost make me want to live there (almost). if there is you, alcohol and warm furry clothes maybe i'll visit!