Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The odds are good, but the goods are odd.

That is the saying many of the women say around here in reference to the guy selection. For us single girls, there really is a vast station of single men (or men who say they are single), but boy, are some of them odd. Many very nice, with well intentions, but still...odd.
The guys saying on the other hand is, 'Go ugly early', since all the hot chicks are the ones chased after and unless you're the hottest guy here, you don't even have a chance.
Its quite strange living here. It really is like a dorm of a college (rooms come complete with mini fridges), we all have two to three roommates, and we all keep odd hours. The main difference is really we can't get away from one another, for any long amount of time. Its like a dorm, if it were on a cruise ship. You can go out and have fun, but every night you're going back to the same place.
Its really all just something to be aware of, since apparently the rumor mills run rampant around here, and so do the creepy dudes (I've been followed twice now up and down the halls).
This is going to get interesting.

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