Well I like to think I've for the most part used my time here in Christchurch to its fully advantage. I could be outside walking around for a bit, but I felt the need to update this before anything, since, well who knows if I'll have the energy to talk about the past days adventures later on.
So after arriving at 1a.m. to my hotel, I woke up at 8 or so to get breakfast. Then after that Jessica and I decided to head out and see the town a bit. I needed to exchange money over (100 us = 150 nz!) After that we headed over to cathedral sqare, where we were welcomed with a giant purple sperm. Then we headed into the cathedral, since we figured if you come to cathedral square you at least have to go inside. It was real pretty.
After that we headed over to a used clothing store, Christchurch you sure have some crazy old clothes. From there we headed over to the Arts Center where we were welcomed with blinged out chrome disk-wheeled bikes! Yeah! Best part, they were free to take out and ride! Hell yes, and they came complete with a saftey vest and a chrome helmet. We were riding in style.
After that we had to head back to the hotel so we could get issued our ECW (extreme cold weather) gear. Spent a few hours trying ever piece of it on, and then went on our way to a resturant since we were starving.
Bulmer!! they had bulmers there! I haven't had bulmers since Ireland, and trust me, it was just as great. Okay, I ended up having like 5 Bulmers....but who's counting...and a shot of wiskey...but again..who's counting. It was a fun night though, a group of us ate and drank for a few hours at an English Pub, then headed over to an Irish pub closeby and ended up dancing our butts off to the live music for a while. I honestly was hurting afterwards we danced so long and hard. Then we stumbled back to the hotel, where I was dropped off, and fell almost right to sleep, while the rest went off into the night (i only saw one person at breakfast this morning and he came quite late ahah).
Now I'm up this morning, figured out my Boomarang bag, packed my stuff up and am just waiting around till our shuttles come and we head off down to the great cold continent.
Alright, well I'm off to get ready to leave for the plane! Next time you hear from me I'll be in ANTARCTICA!
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