Thursday, October 30, 2008

I really feel as though half the time

I am living in some sort of dream land.
Its really still impossible to believe that I am in Antarctica. I guess it might be more believable if I were to be in a job that I was outside a lot, but instead I'm trapped in the Galley day after day.
Oh well, I'm going to request sundays off, so that James and I can go for hikes, since he knows all these great places to go (he goes out into the field for his job...he's a carpenter), and I still feel like a lost puppy half the time.
The places I know for sure how to get to here: My room. A few of my friends rooms. The Bar (x2). Medical. Hut Point + part of the loop. Work. Laundry. Gear Issue. Craft room + ceramics. I sort of remember how to get to the Green house, and I just learned where the band room is. That's basically all I know. I guess I haven't been here that long, but still. I want to feel really at home here.
Here's to continuing to get up early and explore I suppose.

Today is Halloween!! The party is on saturday, since everyone except most of us in the Galley have the day off. We do however get to dress up at work today. I don't have to go in till 12 though, so I'm going to stake out the situation and see just how many people from work dressed up, if they haven't I sadly probably won't either...I can't be the only one...or can I?? I might either way, I mean heck I would get to wear my warriors costume twice wooo.
We'll see.
Tomorrow night should be fun. I think I have to help James finish his costume, which we started last night when we borrowed the craft room key and snuck in. He told me he might need me to protect him against all the ladies since his costume is going to be so great. Haha.

Things are fantastic here and I'll post photos from Halloween as I get them!!

1 comment:

Shawn Small said...

Looking forward to pictures of costumes!!!