Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

I just wanted to pop in quick (i know I'm sorry I haven't updated in well..forever...i will again soon I promise!) and say Merry Christmas to everyone back home!

I love you all and miss you terribly!

To my family I hope you all are having an amazing day and I miss every single one of you today, and I hope you are all enjoying your time together!

I love everyone!

miss you!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

This will be a short one, I'll be updating again soon about driving to willy field, and thanksgiving and prom. Right now though, all thats important to talk about is today while I was waiting in line for cheese at thanksgiving meal, some random man that was in front of me looks at me and says "you're from wisconsin arn't you"...awesome. random. weird. I guess we just had the cheese/esp going.

k off to celebrate the holiday!!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Alright alright...

I'm finally updating. Sorry its been such a long time.
Lets see its been what, three weeks? Crazy, time goes by so fast here.
Well I'll start on some of my adventures and we'll go from there.
On our day off, three weeks ago, kendra, jes, and I hoped on Ivan the Terra Bus and headed out to LDB with John the cook. LDB is a NASA run camp of sorts, and it stands for Long Distance Balloons. The Balloons are used for weather/atmosphere/etc research.
John had asked me to come out there that day so I could photograph their freezer.
A freezer you ask, how could that be interesting? Well this freezer is actually a hole cut into the ground. Inside of it there were all these amazing ice formations, and he wanted me to photograph them for him. They were amazing! Think of like a snowflake, and how it looks magnetized, thats what these crystals were like. So the girls and I had fun hanging out down there, and then we got to see the galley at LDB which was pretty awesome. It was actually what I imagined coming to antarctica and working here would be like. So yeah that was really nice.

That night we had another adventure as well. We got to go on the Ice Caves tour. There are these caves that form when there is running water inside of the glacier and it ends up forming the caves (you can wikipedia it if you want to know more, its pretty interesting stuff). The cave was amazing and I got to touch an actual Antarctic glacier. It was mighty cold though, as can be expected, and the wind out on the field was pretty strong, but we had an amazing time nonetheless.

Let see now, last week for our day off we had a pretty great time again. We got up early in the morning for memosas and bowling. It was so much fun. I was terrible at the bowling part, but I got to wear these sweet old lady bowling shoes that look like plain sneaks, and rocked my christmas socks.
Then we sat in the galley and had a long lunch which is always nice. Getting to eat for longer than half an hour and not rushing it is great. I got to sit and watch a skua outside of the window for a while. That was really awesome.

Then later that day Kendra and I walked over to Scott Base, which is the New Zealand base, so we could check out their store. It was a really good walk, and was really warm, I only wore my jacket for a little while, and the walk was only like 45 minutes so it was nothing. On the way back though, some scientists gave us a lift, so we got to sit in the back of a pickup with a geophysist, she was super nice. Then after that we had dinner, and then Ben and I made our way up Observation Hill, since I hadn't been up it yet. It was a rough hike, and I'm very out of shape, and really windy (I just now realized today that I had a windbreaker and didn't have to carry my heavy big red up the hill ugg). But it was so beautiful up there. We made it to the top and Ben and I just stood there and hugged and took the view in. We both agree, that Antarctica is by far the most beautiful place in the world, and its something you can't even comprehend unless you've experienced it for yourself.

So yup thats life as of right now. Things are going fantastic for me. We have Thanksgiving on saturday so that should prove to be interesting. I'm pretty tired today, and have decided to have a nice slow easy day, and just relax all day, which is something I haven't had a chance to really do on any of my last days off.

Oh and I suppose I should also update on my love life (per shawns request). I've been seeing a boy named ben (the aforementioned one) for about threeish weeks so far. He's pretty fantastic, but I totally don't want to screw this up...I'll keep ya'll posted on that as well.

Well thats all for now!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Hey everyone, I just want you to know I haven't forgotten about this and all of you!
I just haven't had much time to update as of late. I promise I will be soon though, possibly wed since thats my day off!
I've got loads to talk about, such as LDB visits, Ice Cave tours, and boys, well one in particular.
Things are fantastic and going quite well.
I love you and miss you!!

Monday, November 3, 2008

It was a bash, an Antarctic Mash.

Halloween has come and gone here at McMurdo Station. Things were fun, many laughs were had. Here are some highlights of this holiday:

I came home one day to a Zombie attack warning on my door. It was later made even better by someone (naming no names) writing in on Zombie Saunas.

The Haunted house! Yes. Antarctica had a Haunted house, and it was actually really awesome, even better than some I've gone to back home. I even got tickled. Many laughs were had and even a few screams.

I got to go to work in my costume! Albeit it was a serve safe version (i.e. no feathers, head-wrap, non-slip shoes) but I got to do it none-the-less. It was great and it was getting so many fun comments all day. For those of you that don't know I went as a Warrior from the movie The Warriors. Soooo good. I still don't have a picture of the back patch on my leather vest, but I'll get that real soon.

The costume party!! Man that was so much fun, and hilarious!! We drank a few beers and were on our way to the bash. It was pretty cold getting there, especially since none of us wore jackets, but whateves it was totally worth it. I danced like no other, and lived it up. Here are a few photos from there:

this is me and danny

this is Alex, Kendra, Chris, and T-Rav

I was so stoked about this guy! He was dressed up as a Baseball Furie, and if you've ever seen the Warriors he's from one of the gangs my gang fights!!!!

me dancing

Davey and Travis on the walk to the bar

All in all it was a great night and I had so much fun. Yay for Halloween! People here really go all out for it in their costumes, which was great.

And now I'm on holiday, so I had yesterday and today off. We get our holiday now since we have to work on Thanksgiving, which is kind of a bummer but oh well its gotta be done.

Yesterday I went for a nice walk by myself and wen't over to Hut point and saw the seal thats been there for a while. It was nice to see an animal, since I haven't in about three weeks.

me hanging out on top of Hut Point

Its hard to makeout but that black blob is the seal.

So yup that's the skinny on things thus far. I'm now going to go and relax a bit more on my day off! Till next time!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

I really feel as though half the time

I am living in some sort of dream land.
Its really still impossible to believe that I am in Antarctica. I guess it might be more believable if I were to be in a job that I was outside a lot, but instead I'm trapped in the Galley day after day.
Oh well, I'm going to request sundays off, so that James and I can go for hikes, since he knows all these great places to go (he goes out into the field for his job...he's a carpenter), and I still feel like a lost puppy half the time.
The places I know for sure how to get to here: My room. A few of my friends rooms. The Bar (x2). Medical. Hut Point + part of the loop. Work. Laundry. Gear Issue. Craft room + ceramics. I sort of remember how to get to the Green house, and I just learned where the band room is. That's basically all I know. I guess I haven't been here that long, but still. I want to feel really at home here.
Here's to continuing to get up early and explore I suppose.

Today is Halloween!! The party is on saturday, since everyone except most of us in the Galley have the day off. We do however get to dress up at work today. I don't have to go in till 12 though, so I'm going to stake out the situation and see just how many people from work dressed up, if they haven't I sadly probably won't either...I can't be the only one...or can I?? I might either way, I mean heck I would get to wear my warriors costume twice wooo.
We'll see.
Tomorrow night should be fun. I think I have to help James finish his costume, which we started last night when we borrowed the craft room key and snuck in. He told me he might need me to protect him against all the ladies since his costume is going to be so great. Haha.

Things are fantastic here and I'll post photos from Halloween as I get them!!

Monday, October 27, 2008

my nose is a bit cold

Well the past few days here have been full of work and also full of fun.
Work as always is work, but I'm still enjoying it and have a blast with my co-workers. They are a pretty rad bunch. I've been staying up late, but that's to be expected since I don't work till 11 in the afternoon.

What else is going on in this crazy life of mine?
Well today was my day off and I was determined to make it worth its while.
I showered for the first time in a few days (eww), and did my much needed laundry. After that I hung out with Mary, one of the cooks for a while and then went to lunch and the craft room! Got things together for my costume (we were told we could wear them to work!!!!), and then Emily and I hungout for a while and went on a short hike. It was pretty awesome, and not to bad temperature wise, I think it was around -10 or so, which is pretty warm here. My nose is still a bit cold, but that'll happen I suppose. I mean afterall, it is a harsh continent. (haha)

k well g'bye for now!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The last sunset of the season

has arrived. Its actually tonight, but many of us thought it was last night so we celebrated only how Antarctica could. It was a lovely time, some dancing was had, birthday wishes to Jeremy were sang, and a hike was had.

Sorry its been so long since I've last updated (sorry mom!), but as of late not much has been going on here. There's always a dance party to attend, a mid-rats dinner to be eaten at 12:30 a.m. and a dish to be washed, a counter to be scrubbed, and when we run out of stuff, a wall to be washed. All in all, I'm enjoying life here, and making some amazing friends along the way. Its actually quite strange, in the fact that I have literally only known these people less than two weeks, and I already feel as though I've grown up with some of them. I hold them as close to me as I do any of my friends from school. I guess being put in such a harsh continent (its the saying down here), you learn to be friends fast and keep it going strong. Anywho, here is a slight introduction to some of my bestest friends here, almost all of whom I met in Denver at orientation.

First up is Mr. J. Rice . He hails from Cali and is an all around pretty tight dude. We have our disagreements at the moment, but its mostly because we don't quite have a feel for one anthers sense of humor. We're getting there though. I made him a moose head plaque for his birthday.

Next up is Miss Jess. She hails originally from Alaska, but more recently came from Seattle where she just moved to with her bf and two cats. She's pretty much the shit and I love her to death already.

Then there is the ammmmazing Alisa. She is pretty much one of my favorite people here. We are so alike its crazy. Both of us are always dancing and singing to our own beat. She has a pretty cool job here too, shes one of the disbatch people for the fire department.

Then there is John. He's a cool kid, I think from D.C. He likes pretty good music and is always down for hanging out. Jon and I have had some pretty wild conversations here, fore shore.

There's also Metro, and Kendra, and Chris, and Emily, Danny, I mean the list could litterally go on and on. I basically love almost everyone here I've met so far, and each day that passes like them all more and more.

Its going to be interesting to see how the next few months pan out, and how our friendships grow.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

All I can and have to say about last night is

Wine. Apples to Apples. and Zombie Sauna.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I just found out today that we are doing driver training!
I might get to drive out to the airfields to deliver food.
That would be pretty wicked, scary, but wicked none-the-less.

K back to work!

Edit that & update: I actually drove today in Antarctica. And I got to see the Green House. Its so strange to be seeing green growing things again. I've only been here for less than a week. I wonder how it will be in a few months....

The odds are good, but the goods are odd.

That is the saying many of the women say around here in reference to the guy selection. For us single girls, there really is a vast station of single men (or men who say they are single), but boy, are some of them odd. Many very nice, with well intentions, but still...odd.
The guys saying on the other hand is, 'Go ugly early', since all the hot chicks are the ones chased after and unless you're the hottest guy here, you don't even have a chance.
Its quite strange living here. It really is like a dorm of a college (rooms come complete with mini fridges), we all have two to three roommates, and we all keep odd hours. The main difference is really we can't get away from one another, for any long amount of time. Its like a dorm, if it were on a cruise ship. You can go out and have fun, but every night you're going back to the same place.
Its really all just something to be aware of, since apparently the rumor mills run rampant around here, and so do the creepy dudes (I've been followed twice now up and down the halls).
This is going to get interesting.

Monday, October 13, 2008

It was a quick walk, but my nose got cold.

Well yesterday counted as day three of work and day three and a half of being here. I really only know that by the fact that I had to wash three of my uniforms last night. Its so strange to really have no sense of time or date here. I guess its hard to when the sun never leaves, though, it is still setting right now, slightly, the last being on the 21st I believe.

I am still so in a slight shock that I'm actually here. I don't really think its hit any of us just yet that we are where we are. Going out for a slight hike yesterday did help a ton though. wow.
Well anyways, yesterday was one of the easier, though, more accident prone days I've had here thus far. We had to be at work slightly earlier than normal (8a.m. instead of 11), and did some food safe lectures, then I learned the pots room (easy enough: you wash pots--this is where injury number one occured though...two cuts on the tops of my fingers...ouch!), more serve safe, the dish room (best job), then washed some walls, had an impromptu Micheal Jackson dance party outside of the dish room, and got to leave super early at 4:15 (after our stretch break of course). So far the job is going pretty good, well except for the gross rash like skin condition jess and I are developing on the tops of our hands from having to wash them so often. eww.
Afterward Jess and I were eating our dinner at the family dinner, and our friend Shaun asked if we wanted to go for a small hike with him. Of course we said yes, especially since I hadn't seen much of the outside of the station thus far.

Off we went, Big Reds, wind pants, and of course the addidas sneakers and multiple cameras started out of the station and off to Hut Point. Hut Point is a hut that Scott actually built back in 1902, and is a 15 minute walk or so from our station. There's also a Cross atop the hill marking the grave of one of his men, George T. Vince. Its pretty awesome that we live so close to such
huge landmarks in history.

After getting cold and heading back Jess and I also ran out and disovered the Crafts room, The Bouldering room, the church, and the Ceramics room. Good adventures for the day indeed.

Next adventure: Seeing the Shackelton Cup (its a challus but i have no idea how to actually spell that...)

Saturday, October 11, 2008

The days are long, the nights are bright.

So I have been here at McMurdo Station for about two and a half days. It already feels like home, but in a weird, I barely know anyone or how to get to anything sort of way. It really doesn't make much sense, all I know is I adore Antarctica still. I look out a window here and instead of seeing house after house, cityscapes for miles, or warehouses there's vast fields of beautiful white snow, with gleaming blue and white mountains shining off into the distance. It's quite peaceful and calm, it makes me feel like I do after the first big snowfall of winter. Everything is quite and beautiful and everyone is still in awe of it. I mean, how can I not love place where there are multiple people with Antarctica tattoos?

My first day wasn't much. We hopped on a plane in Christchurch at around 2, and didn't leave until 3 or 4ish ( I think our group has been cursed with plane troubles). The plane was pretty fun, being on a military flight was crazy, and awesome. We got to get up whenever we wanted and go to the little windows situated on the doors to see how beautiful the clouds were, or catch a quick glance at an iceberg underneath. They even let us go up into the cockpit and look out the windows out there. It was a hard concept to reach when we realized that it would be night when we arrived, and yet we were still traveling in daylight. Its still a hard concept actually. We eventually arrived at the Pegasus Runway, put on all our cold weather gear, it was about -13 there when we arrived at 10p.m., and still quite bright. We hopped on the back of the shuttles and half an hour later, after a bumpy ride, reached the station. Once at the station, we got the introduction lectures, our room keys, I met my boss, and got my linens and luggage and was off to my room, hoping my roommates, whomever they were weren't asleep. It turned out both of my roommates so far came on our flight so that was no biggie, unpacked and tried to sleep.

Next day woke up at around 9:30, there was a walk around the town at 8 but I felt since I would maybe have to work the next day, sleep was more important, there's always tours going on. Got up, got dressed and headed down to the Galley. Met up with my group of D.A. friends and waited for it all to begin. We had a quick lecture/meet n greet sort of deal, then family lunch (we eat as a family before everyone else eats), and then off to tours upon tours of the kitchen. They gave us a few hour break at that point, since they needed some time to get everything figured out, there are a lot of us that all just arrived in the past few days. On the break Jeremy, John, and I went and played some pool, I'm terrible at it even in Antarctica.

Went back to work later on, more meetings then, they put us to work, even though none of us thought they were going to (we had been told it would just been meetings all day)...Needless to say we were all a bit nervous about the situation. Work went fine though, put some freshies on trays, stocked, made some ice tea, did laundry, normal stuff that wasn't too bad. Then we were off!

Party hardy in Antarcty! There was a party at one of the bars here last night, sort of like a welcome. I went down with Jeremy, his roommate, John, Kendra, her roommate, and Metro. Drank a few beers and mostly just danced my butt off. Jeremy and I were swing dancing for a while, which was a blast. It was great when we would get too hot, and would step outside your skin would literally be steaming because of the temperature difference. After a few hours of dancing, Jeremy and I decided we best get sleep, since he had to work at 7 and I badly needed a shower, stepped outside to daylight at 11:30. Crazy.

Showered. Went to sleep, and here I am, getting sort of ready for my first full day of work. 11-9 I think. wee.

Friday, October 10, 2008

I have arrived. More on that later

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Its a lovely city, its a lovely place

Sadly my time here in Christchurch is winding down, quite fast may I add. It feels like I only got here yesterday...oh wait, I did (sad). I really do wish I could have stayed here longer and explored more, but the planes down to the Ice are going through, and we are set to head down this afternoon, like in an hour to be exact we head over to the airport. crazy. If the flight doesn't boomerang (which has been happening for the past week) I will be in Antarctica by tonight. Weird.
Well I like to think I've for the most part used my time here in Christchurch to its fully advantage. I could be outside walking around for a bit, but I felt the need to update this before anything, since, well who knows if I'll have the energy to talk about the past days adventures later on.
So after arriving at 1a.m. to my hotel, I woke up at 8 or so to get breakfast. Then after that Jessica and I decided to head out and see the town a bit. I needed to exchange money over (100 us = 150 nz!) After that we headed over to cathedral sqare, where we were welcomed with a giant purple sperm. Then we headed into the cathedral, since we figured if you come to cathedral square you at least have to go inside. It was real pretty.

After that we headed over to a used clothing store, Christchurch you sure have some crazy old clothes. From there we headed over to the Arts Center where we were welcomed with blinged out chrome disk-wheeled bikes! Yeah! Best part, they were free to take out and ride! Hell yes, and they came complete with a saftey vest and a chrome helmet. We were riding in style.
After that we had to head back to the hotel so we could get issued our ECW (extreme cold weather) gear. Spent a few hours trying ever piece of it on, and then went on our way to a resturant since we were starving.

Bulmer!! they had bulmers there! I haven't had bulmers since Ireland, and trust me, it was just as great. Okay, I ended up having like 5 Bulmers....but who's counting...and a shot of wiskey...but again..who's counting. It was a fun night though, a group of us ate and drank for a few hours at an English Pub, then headed over to an Irish pub closeby and ended up dancing our butts off to the live music for a while. I honestly was hurting afterwards we danced so long and hard. Then we stumbled back to the hotel, where I was dropped off, and fell almost right to sleep, while the rest went off into the night (i only saw one person at breakfast this morning and he came quite late ahah).

Now I'm up this morning, figured out my Boomarang bag, packed my stuff up and am just waiting around till our shuttles come and we head off down to the great cold continent.

Alright, well I'm off to get ready to leave for the plane! Next time you hear from me I'll be in ANTARCTICA!

It can't all be smooth sailing...

In an oh too familiar turn of events, our plane got delayed. It was very reminiscent of the Three lost bears head to Ireland trip of May 08', but thankfully instead of it being three of us delayed on our travels it was 45 of us, which is much more re-assuring. We had already been at LAX for about four hours when we were told that our airplane was having issues. We were then moved to a different gate and told that it would be a while before the plane was fixed, as in another three or so hours. I easily passed the time with the new friends I have acquired along the trip, (they are all quite excellent!!) we hung out, watched movies on my computer (its been an airport lifesaver for Jeremy and I), and ate the snack packs that the airline provided us. Finally at around 1 a.m. we finally were able to embark on our trip. They packed everyone on buses and took us over to the airplane.

This by far was thee most comfortable plane ride I have ever had the pleasure of experincing. My seat was on the aisle, and not only that but we had a wall in front of us, which meant we had way more leg room than everyone, and we could stretch out and put our legs up on the wall to sleep. So nice. I watched a few movies/tv shows and drifted off to sleep at around 11 Sydney time, in preperation for the next day. I even managed to get around 7 hours of sleep. Yay!
Then we arrived in Sydney and had to hassel our way through customes, getting a day visa for the country, and were wisked away to our hotel rooms at a really nice hotel, mmm showers and free food. So good.

During the free lunch, Alicia (i think thats how you spell her name), and I decided to take an adventure. We had about 3 hours before we had to leave for the hotel, so she and I exchanged some money for aussi and headed out to see the Opera house. A pretty easy train ride later we arrived, we saw, we concqured, okay maybe not that, but we did see a guy playing a diggerido, which was tight. Then we got back on the train, only later realizeing it was the wrong one, and made a quick switch over and all was good, we had to run a bit but it was totally cool.

Got to the airport, forgot I had water, had to chug said water at security, and headed to wait for the plane. Jeremy and I decided to watch Knocked Up, resulting in some very awkward moments with others around us, got on the plane and headed to New Zealand! I had a window seat finaly so I got to say goodbye to Australia as we headed over the Ocean.
Got to Christchurch at around 1 a.m., got to my hotel and fell right asleep.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Denver I am in you.

After getting up much earlier than I'd like to remember, the butterflies trying to fly the coop in my stomach and the cramped quarters stuck in an aeroplane, I arrived in beautiful Denver early yesterday afternoon. I made my way out to my shuttle, not knowing if I would be the only one, or if I would be meeting some of my fellow future Antarcticans.

Much to my joy I got to meet two of my future co-workers, another really nice guy, and my two favorite people at the moment Shuttle Joe and Shuttle Bob. Shuttle Joe & Bob had both been to Antarctica last year, so it was so facinating getting to talk to them about what to expect and what life might really be like down at the bottom of the world. Then, much to my dismay, I findout I'm the only one of this group staying at a different hotel, and it would end up turning out to be that there are only three other people out of like 30-40 that were at orientation today at my hotel. Its kind of lonely, but I supose I should savor it, since soon I won't have a moment to myself.

(quite possibly the biggest sunflower ever seen)

Last night was so wonderful though, Joe that I went to school with and currently lives right outside of Denver, and his friend Jess came and swept me away from my lonely hotel and off to the heart of Downtown Denver. We wandered the streets, ate a burrito (it gave me a tummy ache though...probably the butterflies fault), and just talked and joked and laughed. It was so great seeing him, and meeting his friend. They are both quite wonderful.

(num num)

(giant croc anyone?)

Then, up earlier than I would like to think about yet again, ate a quick breakfast and off to Raytheon for orientation and flu shots. Everyone, and I mean everyone is so nice. I think that was the most surprising thing, I mean, I'm used to people being friendly, but I already feel a bond with some of these people which feels fantastic. I met 7 of my other co-workers in the kitchen and I adore almost all of them already. I even already challenged the cute bearded boy to a thumbwar on our way to Sydney.

Well its now time to relax, hydrate, and settle in for a quite night, then, up early again (ugh) and after orientation off to LAX then SYD then off to CHC.

Oh man, interesting news on the Christchurch front. Apparently the weather has been bad at McMurdo, so much so that they are 7 days behind in getting people to and from the ice, which means we may get some extra time in New Zealand once we arrive. Fun!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

a little break from the cold weather talk...

and something to warm you up...

Now I know you and your momma are gonna be stoked about this, because well, I know myself and my momma are! This wonderful design, and concept was thought of by the lovely Katy, and will showcase some of the prettiest ladies in the cycling industry.

Its a really nice investment as well, since not only will you be seeing pretty ladies, but half of the proceeds will go to World Bicycle Relief and the other half will go back to Team Pegasus.
So get stoked everyone, cos I am! Once I find out about ordering, I'll post again. Till then some teasers....


The top one is by the lovely minx, and the bottom is by yours truly (just so ya know these aren't the final ones in the're gonna have to wait and see!)

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Thing

I watched the great 80's movie, The Thing, tonight in preparation for my trip. I figure I need to be skilled in the art of zombies and aliens well before I leave, since once I'm there, if something happens, won't be pretty.

What I learned from this movie.

1. Kurt Russel. He will be at the station, and he will be a badass. Be friends with him, and don't leave his side, since then neither of you can be aliens therefore he won't try to kill you.

2. Flame throwers. A girls best friend perhaps.

3. If in doubt try to heat up someones blood. If they are an Alien it will try to run away. Use aforementioned flame thrower on person.

4. Random dog running around, dude in helicopter shooting at it? Don't let the dog inside. duh.

All in all I feel a bit more prepared in case of an alien attack. I figure with zombies I will play it by ear. You never know how a zombie attack will turn. But yeah, aliens? Come and get me ET.